Header New Beetle (front)
My Volkswagens
My Motorcycle
My Mazda 6
Curriculum Vitae
Software Projects
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Select one of the items listed above.

The homepage provides a general introduction about who I am, what I do and what I like

All lot of information and pictures of my 1950 Beetle and 2000 New Beetle.

Some pictures of my 1994 Honda VFR-750F

Some pictures of my 2004 Mazda 6 Executive (136bhp diesel)

Overview of my work experiences
(in Dutch only)

The photo gallery contains pictures of holidays, cars, etc...

Overview and downloads of some of my private software projects.

Personal information, such as my address, phonenumber, etc...
(password protected)

My Mazda 6

After four years driving the New Beetle, it was time for the car to get a new owner. I would love to have had the new convertible, but getting a case of beer in it is almost too much to ask. This isn't useful for a daily driver, so I decided to give up the looks and go for a practical car. The Mazda 6 seemed the best choice. A luxury car for a fair price. The front of the car looks pretty aggressive.

The Mazda's front

I guess the wide and low headlights give the car the mean look that I like. The Xenon headlights are great and since I have this car I never had to change a lightbulb (which was a pain on the New Beetle). It takes longer to replace both headlights on the NB, then it takes to replace the engine on the old VW.

Xenon headlights

Compared to the aggresive and modern front, the tail of the car is a bit disappointing. It has been designed very conservative.

The not so impressive tail

To give it a sportive look, Mazda added some Lexus-look taillights. I don't like really it. Normal red taillights would have been better in my opinion.

Lexus-look taillights

Just some other shots that I made, because I wanted to test my new digital camera :-)

Looking in the mirror

And another one...

Side view

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Page last updated at Apr 23, 2009