Header New Beetle (front)
My Volkswagens
My Motorcycle
My Mazda 6
Curriculum Vitae
Software Projects
Private Information

Select one of the items listed above.

The homepage provides a general introduction about who I am, what I do and what I like

All lot of information and pictures of my 1950 Beetle and 2000 New Beetle.

Some pictures of my 1994 Honda VFR-750F

Some pictures of my 2004 Mazda 6 Executive (136bhp diesel)

Overview of my work experiences
(in Dutch only)

The photo gallery contains pictures of holidays, cars, etc...

Overview and downloads of some of my private software projects.

Personal information, such as my address, phonenumber, etc...
(password protected)


Cross Point
NUON Weilandproef
Schiphol FIFA
Siemens/BenQ (TMS)
Alstom Transport
Toock Sports
Siemens (Bluetooth)
Siemens (compressie)
Nedap Agri
KC Microsoft Windows
Van Vliet - Pijnacker
Fico Trim & Form Systems
Siemens Nixdorf
IBM Nederland
Datum : Maart 2007
Naam : R. de Klein (Ramon)
Geboorte datum : 21 april 1973
Nationaliteit : Nederlandse
Vooropleiding : Havo
Vervolgopleiding : Hoger Informatica Onderwijs
Talen : Engels
Ervaring sinds : 1992
Computers : IBM-PC
Pocket PC / Handheld PC
Sun Sparc
Operating systems : Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista, Windows 95/98/ME
Windows CE
Dos en Windows v3.x
OS/2 v2.x, v3.x
Programmeertalen : C, C++
Visual Basic
Tools : Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003/2005
Microsoft Visual C++ v1.0 t/m v6.0
Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ v3.0, v4.0
Microsoft SQL Server v6.x / 2000 / 2005
Microsoft Access v6.0, v7.0 en 2000
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe v4.0, v5.0 en v6.0
Numega Boundschecker Visual C++ edition
NuMega Softice Driver Suite v2.0
Rational Rose 98 Professional C++ edition
Rational Purify / Rational Quantify
PVCS Version Manager, Configuration Builder, Tracker
Oracle 10g
NUnit, CruiseControl, NDoc, DoxyGen, Sandcastle, Log4NET
ExaOPC (Yokogawa OPC Server)
Lex, Yacc, Perl, standaard Unix tools
Methoden : UML
Cursussen /
: Microsoft Windows Architecture I
Microsoft Windows Architecture II
MS Windows Operating Systems and Services Architecture I
MS Windows Operating Systems and Services Architecture II
Developing Applications with C++ Using the MFC library
Implementing a Database Design on MS SQL Server v6
Designing in UML using Rational Rose
Roundtrip engineering using Rational Rose
Using Continuus/CM for Configuration Management
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Page last updated at Apr 23, 2009